Drivers Education of America was started in 2014 on the back of our 20+ years of experience in teaching students how to drive. Our sole purpose was to educate young adults with constructive and beneficial drivers education knowledge. Being in this business, we tried out every available adult driver education course in the state of Texas and we saw how our knowledge of available technology could make learning faster, easier and more fun. The other course that we tried were either all reading or just primitive driving animations which didn’t realistically show how to drive. We then realized what better than actual driving videos in real situations that will truly help the student benefit from the six-hour course.

Ease of Use

After thorough testing of our course by an independent third party, Drivers Education of America was ranked the easiest and fastest course on the market. Our course’s ease of use and quality is reflected in over 99% of our students passing our course and going on to become safe drivers. We strive to have a course that can be used by everyone so we can help get more drivers on the road. Drivers Education of America’s easy to understand course sets us apart from our competitors because the biggest goal is to get your drivers license and be a collision-free driver.


We take pride in being the first online driver education course to be fully mobile, which means smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops can all run our course. We feel it’s crucial to have our product as accessible as possible because a lot of our students are either working, in college, or both.


Before we started this course, we have been in the driving school business in the Dallas / Fort Worth area for 20+ years and we are one of the highest rated and oldest driving schools offering an online adult drivers education course.

Video and Audio

Almost 90% of our course are videos filmed in the Dallas area showcasing real driving situations that are absolutely crucial in our students becoming the safest driver they can possibly be. We filmed our in-car videos on GoPro cameras to truly put the student in the drivers seat. It’s crucial to teach in realistic, informative visuals because driving is a physical activity. Signage and rules of the road are pretty much the cores of becoming a better and safer driver.

We used a variety of camera angles to catch drivers either doing things all wrong or doing a great job. We use the videos to demonstrate that following the rules leads to success and failure to follow the rules leads to traffic tickets and collisions. We brought all the real world footage back to the studio to show our students how real driving happens and how to avoid common mistakes. Through videos and blackboard lectures, that feel like the instructor is speaking only to you, we carefully explain every law you need to know to pass your driving test and be a collision-free driver.

To make remembering the information even easier we use video tricks, everything from flashing words and phrases to catchy rap-like songs that are easy to remember. We also used color and lighting in a variety of ways to highlight areas in the videos that are important. Finally, we used music to help keep your attention. Our conclusion about online driver education was that we could use our superb ability to explain driving laws and methods combined with our knowledge of technology to build a course that is simple to learn and easy to remember so that you can successfully unlock the freedom to drive.


If you are unsatisfied with our course, we offer a 100% money back refund within 30 days because we believe our course should be everything you want from an adult drivers education course.